Mignon is an original BL anime from South Korea. The animation follows a complex and exciting story of drama and desires. It revolves around a boxer named Mignon, and a vampire doctor Young-on Oh, who find solace in the presence of one another through an aggressive and romantic affair.
Anix is a great site to watch anime Mignon, SUB online. You can also watch Mignon in HD or SD quality.
Overview: Mignon is an original BL anime from South Korea. The animation follows a complex and exciting story of drama and desires. It revolves around a boxer named Mignon, and a vampire doctor Young-on Oh, who find solace in the presence of one another through an aggressive and romantic affair.
Other names: MIGNON 민용
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12 / 12
Views: 14,315
Last Added: 2023-09-07 23:51:09
Release Year: 2023
Anix is a great site to watch anime Mignon, SUB online. You can also watch Mignon in HD or SD quality.