Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander

This story revolves around a spirited, carefree boy named Kazuma Harukaze, who lives with his little sister Sakura and his horse Lovely on a farm within sight of Mt. Fuji. One day, a "meteor" lands nearby, and it turns out to be Hinkeeru — a messenger from Muzanda who has come to warn Earth of a grave danger — and a robot horse named Robony.
Anix is a great site to watch anime Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander, SUB online. You can also watch Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander in HD or SD quality.
This story revolves around a spirited, carefree boy named Kazuma Harukaze, who lives with his little sister Sakura and his horse Lovely on a farm within sight of Mt. Fuji. One day, a "meteor" lands nearby, and it turns out to be Hinkeeru — a messenger from Muzanda who has come to warn Earth of a grave danger — and a robot horse named Robony.
Other names: 一発必中!! デバンダー
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 1 / 1
Views: 624
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2012
Type: Movie
Status: Completed
Anix is a great site to watch anime Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander, SUB online. You can also watch Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander in HD or SD quality.

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EP 1/1
Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander

Ippatsu Hicchuu!! Devander

Movie Completed 2012


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